Father’s Day

You may have noticed that I didn’t release an episode on Father’s day this year. This was intentional, typically, due to overcommitments, and too many irons in the fire. I am burning the midnight oil as it were trying to get the podcast edited and ready for publication on Sunday’s at noon.

This usually means several hours on Saturday and perhaps before church Sunday getting everything ready. But this weekend, I decided to spend it with my family, doing things, nothing special, just hanging out. It seemed that the time spent with the kids was more important than the time spent editing a podcast.

I hope you will forgive me for not getting the episode out, but as I reflect on the years with my children, how fast those years are gone. Today my children are 25, 23, 20, 19, 17. It seems like yesterday they were jumping into my lap, throwing the ball. Dancing and serving me tea. Time is really the only valuable thing we have. It is irreplaceable and any time I get to spend with the family, is time I cherish.

Hug your kids, throw the ball, push them in the swing, hang out with them. You will never regret the time you spend with your family. As a father and husband, I take seriously the role God placed on me to love my wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. I take seriously the role as instructor, protector and teacher to my children.

I thank God everyday for the family I have and want to do all I can to make it as loving and God fearing as I can. One day I will leave this earth, and I want my family to reflect on me as someone who loved them dearly and cherished every moment we had together.

I pray you do the same.